Summer 2024
Principal Investigator
Prof. Ilana Nisky
Full Professor, Biomedical Engineering Office: 64/105 Phone: +972-8-6428936 Email: [email protected] Website Google Scholar Profile Research Interests: Robotics, Robotic surgery, Teleoperation, Haptics, Control theory, Computational motor control, Brain theory (Neuroscience), Learning in human and machines, Human-machine interfaces. |
Hanna Kossowsky
PhD Student, Biomedical Engineering ABC Fellow, Besor Fellow, Arianne DE Rothchild Fellow Office: 64/209 Email: [email protected] Project: Camera control strategies in robotic-assisted surgery Lab responsibility: Lab meetings |
Shani Arusi
PhD Student, Biomedical Engineering ABC Fellow Office: 64/212 Email: [email protected] Project: A model for bimanual stiffness perception and action Lab responsibility: Force sensors |
Nitsan Davidor
PhD Student, Biomedical Engineering Jointly advised with Dr. Yair Benjamin ABC Fellow Office: 64/212 Email: [email protected] Project: Haptic Epidural Injection Simulator Lab responsibility: Robots |
Amotz Hess
MSc Student, Biomedical Engineering Jointly advised with Dr. Shirley Handelzalts ABC Fellow Office: 64/212 Email: [email protected] Project: Augmented haptic stimulation for balance enhancement Lab responsibility: 3D printer |
Ido Gurevich
MSc Student, Biomedical Engineering Jointly advised with Dr. Nir Schlezinger ABC Fellow Email: [email protected] Project: The effect of visual delay on stiffness perception during unimanul VS bimanual interactions |
Linoy Ketashvili
MSc Student, Electrical Engineering Jointly advised with Dr. Nir Schlezinger ABC Fellow Office: 64/209 Email: [email protected] Project: Deep learning Kalman filtering for tracking cable-driven robots |
Elisheva Shiri Decktor
MSc Student, Biomedical Engineering The School of Brain Sciences and Cognition Fellow, ABC Fellow Office: 64/209 Email: [email protected] Project: Receptors’ Impact on Object Manipulation via Haptic Device Lab responsibility: Website, Git and Github |
May Kojokaro
BSc Student, Biomedical Engineering Jointly advised with Dr. Shirley Handelzalts Email: [email protected] Project: Identification of near-falls with machine learning Jointly advised with Dr. Shirley Handelzalts |
Omer Gross
BSc Student, Biomedical Engineering Email: [email protected] Project: Tactile Augmentation of Complex Motor Learning |
Tal Hefer Melihi
BSc Student, Biomedical Engineering Jointly advised with Dr. Shirley Handelzalts Email: [email protected] Project: Improving balance by a wearable tactile feedback device Jointly advised with Dr. Shirley Handelzalts |
Adi Tayer - Yeshurun
PhD student, Physical Therapy Department Jointly advised with Dr. Shirley Handelzalts Email: [email protected] Project: Foot Placement Accuracy in stepping tasks among individuals with stroke. |
Research Assistants
Visiting students
Students interested in visiting are welcome to contact Prof. Ilana Nisky.
Shani Nahum
Research Administrative Support Office: 42/340 Phone: +972-74-779-5075 Email: [email protected] |
Dr. Shirley Handelzalts, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Dr. Nir Schlezinger, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Dr. Nicolas Navarro-Guerrero, L3S Reserch Center, Germany
Dr. Frédéric Crevecoeur, UC Louvain, Belgium
Dr. Yair Binyamin, Soroka Medical Center, Israel
Prof. Abraham Katzir, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Prof. Olivier White, Universite de Bourgogne, Dijon, France
Prof. Allison Okamura, Stanford University, USA
Dr. Anthony Jarc, Intuitive Surgical Inc., USA
Prof. Sandro Mussa-Ivaldi, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Northwestern University, USA
Prof. Yoshihiro Kuroda, Osaka University, Japan
Prof. William Provancher, University of Utah, USA
Prof. Maura Casadio, University of Genova, Italy
Prof. Simona Bar-Haim, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Prof. Sigal Berman, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Prof. David Zarrouk, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Prof. Michael Hsieh, George Washington University, Biomedical Research Institute, Rockville, MD, Children’s National Health System, Washington, DC, USA
Prof. Yael Refaeli, Soroka Medical Center, Israel
Dr. Uri Netz, Soroka Medical Center, Israel
Prof. Yoav Mintz, Hadassah Medical Center, Israel
Prof. Thomas Lendvay, University of Washington, USA
Dr. Nir Schlezinger, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Dr. Nicolas Navarro-Guerrero, L3S Reserch Center, Germany
Dr. Frédéric Crevecoeur, UC Louvain, Belgium
Dr. Yair Binyamin, Soroka Medical Center, Israel
Prof. Abraham Katzir, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Prof. Olivier White, Universite de Bourgogne, Dijon, France
Prof. Allison Okamura, Stanford University, USA
Dr. Anthony Jarc, Intuitive Surgical Inc., USA
Prof. Sandro Mussa-Ivaldi, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Northwestern University, USA
Prof. Yoshihiro Kuroda, Osaka University, Japan
Prof. William Provancher, University of Utah, USA
Prof. Maura Casadio, University of Genova, Italy
Prof. Simona Bar-Haim, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Prof. Sigal Berman, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Prof. David Zarrouk, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Prof. Michael Hsieh, George Washington University, Biomedical Research Institute, Rockville, MD, Children’s National Health System, Washington, DC, USA
Prof. Yael Refaeli, Soroka Medical Center, Israel
Dr. Uri Netz, Soroka Medical Center, Israel
Prof. Yoav Mintz, Hadassah Medical Center, Israel
Prof. Thomas Lendvay, University of Washington, USA
Yoav Farawi, BSc Student, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Design and evaluation of an immersive multisensory simulator for optimizing skill acquisition in epidural analgesia
Roni Bercovich, BSc Student, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Kinematic signatures of long-term skill acquisition in Robotic-assisted Surgery
Yuval Berechya, BSc Student, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Analysis of robot-assisted long-term skill acquisition
Shachar Ashkenasy, BSc Student, Biomedical Engineering
Project: TBD
Yarden Sharon, PhD Student, Biomedical Engineering, Besor Fellow
Project: Surgical skill evaluation and acquisition
Currently: Postdoctoral Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Germany.
Barak Rosenberg, MSc Student, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Autonomous Robotic Laser Tissue Soldering System Design
Elisa Iovene, Visiting PhD student, 2023 Biomedical Engineering
Project: Prediction of camera motion based on situation awareness
Anne Hoffmann, Visiting PhD student, - 2023 Neuroscience
Project: Multisensory integration in dynamic environments
Chen Avraham, PhD Student, - 2023 Biomedical Engineering
Project: Sensorimotor integration of kinesthetic, tactile, and proprioceptive information
Reut Nomberg, PhD Student, - 2023 Biomedical Engineering
Project: Human-centered stability in haptic rendering with delay
Erick Jimenez Gonzalez, MSc Student, - 2023, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Design and Evaluation of Skin Stretch Devices
Asya Mikhaylov
Project: Sense gAIt Lead Algorithms Engineer
Teddy Zagardan
Project: Sense gAIt R&D Engineer
Dr. Maya Chuchem - Machine Learning Research Associate.
Email: [email protected]
Google Scholar Profile
Or Zruya, MSc Student, - 2022, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Tool-tip orientation control strategies in robotic-assisted surgery.
Currently: Application Engineer, Applied Materials
Mor Farajian, PhD Student, - 2022, Biomedical Engineering
Project: The effect of delay on integration of kinesthetic and tactile information for perception and for grip force modulation during interaction with elastic force fields.
Currently: Engineering projects manager, Servotronix
Ana Popov, BSc Student, - 2022, Mechanical Engineering
Project: Laser tissue soldering temperature control.
Noa Yamin, BSc Student, - 2021, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Surgical skill evaluation and acquisition.
Mor Yosef, BSc Student, - 2021, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Sensorimotor integration of kinesthetic, tactile, and proprioceptive information.
Alon Lempert, BSc Student, - 2021, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Surgical skill evaluation and acquisition
Guy Biton, MSc Student, 2018 - 2020, Mechanical Engineering
Project: Investigation of sensorimotor integration of kinesthetic and tactile information by designing a research-oriented haptic device
Currently: Product Engineer, Plexus Corp
Dr. Amit Milstein, PhD Student, 2014-2020, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Human-centered teleoperation control for robot-assisted surgery
Currently: Senior Researcher, Human Extensions
Eitamar Tripto, BSc Student, 2017-2018, MSc Student, 2018-2020, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Adaptation of muscle synergies in transition between interaction with stable and unstable virtual environments
Currently: Algorithm Engineer, Ceragon Networks
Tifferet Nevo, BSc Student, 2019-2020, Biomedical Engineering
Project: The Effect of Simulated Heart Motion on the Learning of Surgical Pattern-Cutting Task
Currently: Research and Development Engineer, TerraSence, Adi Negev
Nadav Agam, M.D Student, 2019-2020, Faculty of Health Sciences
Project: Robot assisted laser tissue soldering
Jacob Abramov, BSc Student, 2019-2020 Mechanical Engineering
Project: Tissue linkage and alignment device for robot assisted laser tissue soldering
Currently: Mechanical Engineer, Impac Engineering
Matan Swissa, BSc Student, 2019-2020 Mechanical Engineering
Project: Tissue linkage and alignment device for robot assisted laser tissue soldering
Currently: Integration & test Engineer, Electra
Danit Itzkovich, MSc Student, 2018-2019, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Machine learning based segmentation and error detection in minimal invasive and robots assisted surgery
Currently: Algorithms Engineer, Corephotonics
Adi Horev, BSc Student, 2018-2019, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Human contribution to stability in physical human-robot interaction
Currently: Algorithms Engineer, CardiacSence
Lidor Sandak, BSc Student, 2018-2019, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Human contribution to stability in physical human-robot interaction
Currently: Data Product Manager, PlayStudios
Yoav Antebi, BSc Student, 2018-2019, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Build and program skin deformation device with force sensing for augmentation of tactile information
Currently: Research Engineer, Eitan Group
Roberta Del Rio, MSc Student, Robotics Engineering, University of Genova, Italy
Lidor Bahar, BSc Student, 2015-2016, MSc student 2016-2018, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Surgeon sensorimotor control under different conditions of force feedback in robotic-assisted surgery
Currently: Algorithms Engineer, Cordio Medical
Erez Sulimani, BSc Student 2014-2015, MSc Student 2015-2017, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Perception and action following adaptation to visuomotor delay in telesurgery
Dr. Raz Leib, Postdoctoral Fellow, Biomedical Engineering, 2016-2018
Project: Intermittent control in the motor system
Currently: Postdoctoral Fellow, Technical University of Munich, with David Franklin
Dr. Guy Avraham, Postdoctoral Fellow 2016-2017, PhD Student 2014-2016, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Simultaneity and Space Representation
Currently: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, UC Berkley, with Rich Ivry
Gilat Malka, Research Assistant, 2016 - 2017
Currently: Robotics Team Mentor - Yeruham
Mor Vaksman, BSc Student, Biomedical Engineering, 2017-2018
Project: The effect of adaptation to hemispace-specific delay on perception and action.
Currently: Lab Engineer, West Pharmaceutical Services
Hana Khait, BSc Student, Biomedical Engineering, 2017-2018
Project: The effect of adaptation to hemispace-specific delay on perception and action.
Natalie Kadury Ganz, MSc Student, Biomedical Engineering, 2014-2018
Project: Perception and action in interaction with elastic environment via teleoperated endoscope manipulation.
Currently: Research engineer, Ichilov Medical Center, with Jeff Hausdorff
Liran Hadad, BSc Student, Mechanical Engineering, 2017-2018
Project: Measurement and modeling of tissue forces in contact with a robotic arm.
Currently: Research and Development Engineer, military industry
Ron Amitzur, BSc Student, Mechanical Engineering, 2017-2018
Project: Measurement and modeling of tissue forces in contact with a robotic arm.
Currently: Research and Development Engineer, military industry
Stephanie Hu, Visiting student, BSc Student, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science and Brain & Cognitive Sciences, MIT, 2017
Project: The effect of dissociation between proprioceptive and visual feedback on action and perception in a stiffness judgement task
Currently: BSc Student, MIT
Dr. Jacopo Buzzi, Visiting PhD student, NEAR LAb, Politechnico di Millano, 2017
Project: Arm joint angle variability analysis in virtual robotic teleoperation with two master devices
Currently: Technical Specialist North Italy - Neurovascular, Stryker
Doron Haichal, BSc Student, Biomedical Engineering, 2015-2016
Project: State estimation for the Raven surgical system using machine learning techniques
Currently: Product Specialist, Pollogen
Dr. Arun Kumar Singh, Postdoctoral Fellow, ABC Robotics, 2014-2015
Project: Unifying framework for perception, cognition, motion planning, and control in remote robotic manipulation
Currently: Associate Professor, University of Tartu, Estonia
Lital Alyagon, BSc student, Biomedical Engineering, 2015-2016
Project: Perception and action in minimaly-invasive robot-assisted surgery simulation
Currently: Algorithms Engineer, Oxitone
Tomer Zaidenberg, BSc student, Biomedical Engineering, 2015-2016
Project: The role of arm center of mass during dynamic perturbation
Currently: System engineer, BiPS Medical
Amanda Elfman, Visiting BSc Student, Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia
Project: The Effect of Gain and Delay on the Perception and Action
Currently: BSc Student, University of Virginia
Michal Itzhaki, BSc Student, Biomedical Engineering, 2014-2015
Project: The role of arm center of mass during dynamic perturbation
Currently: Biomedical Engineer, Elfi-Tech
Ran Weiss, BSc Student, Biomedical Engineering, 2014-2015
Project: The Effect of Sensorimotor Delay on the Perception of Hand Location
Currently: Application Engineer, Simbionix
Project: Design and evaluation of an immersive multisensory simulator for optimizing skill acquisition in epidural analgesia
Roni Bercovich, BSc Student, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Kinematic signatures of long-term skill acquisition in Robotic-assisted Surgery
Yuval Berechya, BSc Student, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Analysis of robot-assisted long-term skill acquisition
Shachar Ashkenasy, BSc Student, Biomedical Engineering
Project: TBD
Yarden Sharon, PhD Student, Biomedical Engineering, Besor Fellow
Project: Surgical skill evaluation and acquisition
Currently: Postdoctoral Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Germany.
Barak Rosenberg, MSc Student, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Autonomous Robotic Laser Tissue Soldering System Design
Elisa Iovene, Visiting PhD student, 2023 Biomedical Engineering
Project: Prediction of camera motion based on situation awareness
Anne Hoffmann, Visiting PhD student, - 2023 Neuroscience
Project: Multisensory integration in dynamic environments
Chen Avraham, PhD Student, - 2023 Biomedical Engineering
Project: Sensorimotor integration of kinesthetic, tactile, and proprioceptive information
Reut Nomberg, PhD Student, - 2023 Biomedical Engineering
Project: Human-centered stability in haptic rendering with delay
Erick Jimenez Gonzalez, MSc Student, - 2023, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Design and Evaluation of Skin Stretch Devices
Asya Mikhaylov
Project: Sense gAIt Lead Algorithms Engineer
Teddy Zagardan
Project: Sense gAIt R&D Engineer
Dr. Maya Chuchem - Machine Learning Research Associate.
Email: [email protected]
Google Scholar Profile
Or Zruya, MSc Student, - 2022, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Tool-tip orientation control strategies in robotic-assisted surgery.
Currently: Application Engineer, Applied Materials
Mor Farajian, PhD Student, - 2022, Biomedical Engineering
Project: The effect of delay on integration of kinesthetic and tactile information for perception and for grip force modulation during interaction with elastic force fields.
Currently: Engineering projects manager, Servotronix
Ana Popov, BSc Student, - 2022, Mechanical Engineering
Project: Laser tissue soldering temperature control.
Noa Yamin, BSc Student, - 2021, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Surgical skill evaluation and acquisition.
Mor Yosef, BSc Student, - 2021, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Sensorimotor integration of kinesthetic, tactile, and proprioceptive information.
Alon Lempert, BSc Student, - 2021, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Surgical skill evaluation and acquisition
Guy Biton, MSc Student, 2018 - 2020, Mechanical Engineering
Project: Investigation of sensorimotor integration of kinesthetic and tactile information by designing a research-oriented haptic device
Currently: Product Engineer, Plexus Corp
Dr. Amit Milstein, PhD Student, 2014-2020, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Human-centered teleoperation control for robot-assisted surgery
Currently: Senior Researcher, Human Extensions
Eitamar Tripto, BSc Student, 2017-2018, MSc Student, 2018-2020, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Adaptation of muscle synergies in transition between interaction with stable and unstable virtual environments
Currently: Algorithm Engineer, Ceragon Networks
Tifferet Nevo, BSc Student, 2019-2020, Biomedical Engineering
Project: The Effect of Simulated Heart Motion on the Learning of Surgical Pattern-Cutting Task
Currently: Research and Development Engineer, TerraSence, Adi Negev
Nadav Agam, M.D Student, 2019-2020, Faculty of Health Sciences
Project: Robot assisted laser tissue soldering
Jacob Abramov, BSc Student, 2019-2020 Mechanical Engineering
Project: Tissue linkage and alignment device for robot assisted laser tissue soldering
Currently: Mechanical Engineer, Impac Engineering
Matan Swissa, BSc Student, 2019-2020 Mechanical Engineering
Project: Tissue linkage and alignment device for robot assisted laser tissue soldering
Currently: Integration & test Engineer, Electra
Danit Itzkovich, MSc Student, 2018-2019, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Machine learning based segmentation and error detection in minimal invasive and robots assisted surgery
Currently: Algorithms Engineer, Corephotonics
Adi Horev, BSc Student, 2018-2019, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Human contribution to stability in physical human-robot interaction
Currently: Algorithms Engineer, CardiacSence
Lidor Sandak, BSc Student, 2018-2019, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Human contribution to stability in physical human-robot interaction
Currently: Data Product Manager, PlayStudios
Yoav Antebi, BSc Student, 2018-2019, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Build and program skin deformation device with force sensing for augmentation of tactile information
Currently: Research Engineer, Eitan Group
Roberta Del Rio, MSc Student, Robotics Engineering, University of Genova, Italy
Lidor Bahar, BSc Student, 2015-2016, MSc student 2016-2018, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Surgeon sensorimotor control under different conditions of force feedback in robotic-assisted surgery
Currently: Algorithms Engineer, Cordio Medical
Erez Sulimani, BSc Student 2014-2015, MSc Student 2015-2017, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Perception and action following adaptation to visuomotor delay in telesurgery
Dr. Raz Leib, Postdoctoral Fellow, Biomedical Engineering, 2016-2018
Project: Intermittent control in the motor system
Currently: Postdoctoral Fellow, Technical University of Munich, with David Franklin
Dr. Guy Avraham, Postdoctoral Fellow 2016-2017, PhD Student 2014-2016, Biomedical Engineering
Project: Simultaneity and Space Representation
Currently: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, UC Berkley, with Rich Ivry
Gilat Malka, Research Assistant, 2016 - 2017
Currently: Robotics Team Mentor - Yeruham
Mor Vaksman, BSc Student, Biomedical Engineering, 2017-2018
Project: The effect of adaptation to hemispace-specific delay on perception and action.
Currently: Lab Engineer, West Pharmaceutical Services
Hana Khait, BSc Student, Biomedical Engineering, 2017-2018
Project: The effect of adaptation to hemispace-specific delay on perception and action.
Natalie Kadury Ganz, MSc Student, Biomedical Engineering, 2014-2018
Project: Perception and action in interaction with elastic environment via teleoperated endoscope manipulation.
Currently: Research engineer, Ichilov Medical Center, with Jeff Hausdorff
Liran Hadad, BSc Student, Mechanical Engineering, 2017-2018
Project: Measurement and modeling of tissue forces in contact with a robotic arm.
Currently: Research and Development Engineer, military industry
Ron Amitzur, BSc Student, Mechanical Engineering, 2017-2018
Project: Measurement and modeling of tissue forces in contact with a robotic arm.
Currently: Research and Development Engineer, military industry
Stephanie Hu, Visiting student, BSc Student, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science and Brain & Cognitive Sciences, MIT, 2017
Project: The effect of dissociation between proprioceptive and visual feedback on action and perception in a stiffness judgement task
Currently: BSc Student, MIT
Dr. Jacopo Buzzi, Visiting PhD student, NEAR LAb, Politechnico di Millano, 2017
Project: Arm joint angle variability analysis in virtual robotic teleoperation with two master devices
Currently: Technical Specialist North Italy - Neurovascular, Stryker
Doron Haichal, BSc Student, Biomedical Engineering, 2015-2016
Project: State estimation for the Raven surgical system using machine learning techniques
Currently: Product Specialist, Pollogen
Dr. Arun Kumar Singh, Postdoctoral Fellow, ABC Robotics, 2014-2015
Project: Unifying framework for perception, cognition, motion planning, and control in remote robotic manipulation
Currently: Associate Professor, University of Tartu, Estonia
Lital Alyagon, BSc student, Biomedical Engineering, 2015-2016
Project: Perception and action in minimaly-invasive robot-assisted surgery simulation
Currently: Algorithms Engineer, Oxitone
Tomer Zaidenberg, BSc student, Biomedical Engineering, 2015-2016
Project: The role of arm center of mass during dynamic perturbation
Currently: System engineer, BiPS Medical
Amanda Elfman, Visiting BSc Student, Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia
Project: The Effect of Gain and Delay on the Perception and Action
Currently: BSc Student, University of Virginia
Michal Itzhaki, BSc Student, Biomedical Engineering, 2014-2015
Project: The role of arm center of mass during dynamic perturbation
Currently: Biomedical Engineer, Elfi-Tech
Ran Weiss, BSc Student, Biomedical Engineering, 2014-2015
Project: The Effect of Sensorimotor Delay on the Perception of Hand Location
Currently: Application Engineer, Simbionix
Past Group Photos

Winter 2024

Winter 2024 - Zelman Center Yeerly Seminar - The School of Brain Sciences and Cognition